List of Participants & Titles 2005


- Affective influences on interpersonal behaviors
F. Forgas,

- The social neuroscience perspective on affect and social behavior
Piotr Winkieleman and John Cacioppo,

- Evolutionary perspectives on affect and social behavior
Martie Haselton and Tim Ketelaar

- Affective influences on social memory and affect priming mechanisms
Eric Eich

- The role of affect in social information processing
Klaus Fiedler and Herbert Bless

- Affect as information in social judgments and behaviors
Gerald Clore

- Affect and decision making
Roy Baumeister and Kathleen Vohs

- Affective forecasting
Liz Dunn


Emotional appraisals of social situations
Craig Smith

- Emotional intelligence and interpersonal behavior
Joseph Ciarrochi

- Emotions in personal relationships
John Holmes

- Positive emotions and their effects on health and cognitive function
Felicia Huppert

- Affect as a social resource
Yaacov Trope

- Affect and the self
Constantine Sedikides

- The role of affect in group behavior
Janice Kelly & Jenn Spoor

- Managing affective states
Ralph Erber


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