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Chapters and abstracts are now available for download in PDF format.

Bar-Tal, Daniel (Tel Aviv University, Israel)
Socio-psychological Analysis of the Deterioration of Democracy and the Rise of Authoritarianism

Cooper, Joel (Princeton University, USA)
Value Framing and Support for Populist Propaganda

Crano, William D. & Gaffney, Amber M. (Claremont Graduate University, USA)
Minority Influence and Leadership Processes in the Rise and Fall of Populist Movements

Ditto, Peter (University of California, Irvine)
Populism and the Social Psychology of Grievance

Feldman, Stanley (Stony Brook University, USA)
Authoritarianism, Education, and Support for Right-Wing Populism

Fiedler, Klaus (University of Heidelberg, Germany)
A Non-populist Perspective on Populism in Psychological Science

Forgas, Joseph P. (University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia), Crano, William D (Claremont Graduate University) and Fiedler, Klaus (University of Heidelberg)
The Psychology of Populism: The Tribal Threat to Liberal Democracy

Forgas, Joseph P. (University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia) & Lantos, Dorottya (Goldsmith’s, London)
When Populism Triumphs: From Democracy to Autocracy

Gelfand, Michele (University of Maryland, USA)
Threat, Tightness, and the Evolutionary Appeal of Populist Leaders

Golec de Zavala, Agnieszka (Goldsmiths, University of London, UK; SWPS, Poznan, Poland; ISCTE CIS, Lisbon, Portugal), Mole, Richard (University College London) & Lantos, Dorottya (Goldsmiths, University of London)
Collective Narcissim and the Motivational Understandings of the Populist Backlash

Hogg, Michael A. (Claremont Graduate University, USA) & Gotsche-Astrup, Oluf (Aarhus University)
Self-Uncertainty and Populism: Why We Endorse Populist Ideologies, Identify With Populist Groups, and Support Populist Leaders

Huddy, Leonie (Stonybrook University, USA)
The Rise of Populism in the USA: Nationalism, Race, and American Party Politics

Krekó, Péter (Eotvos Lorand University of Budapest)
Populism in Power: The Tribal Challenge

Krueger, Joachim I. (Brown University, USA)
Psychological Perversities and Populism

Kruglanski, A. Molinario, E. & Smith, N. (University of Maryland, USA)
Why Populism Attracts: On the Allure of Certainty and Dignity

Marcus, George E. (Williams College, USA)
The Politics of Justice, Anger, and Grievance

Petersen, Michael Bang (Aarhus University, Denmark)
The Psychology of Status-Seeking and Extreme Political Discontent

Vallacher, Robin R. (Florida Atlantic University, USA)
Rapid Social Change and the Emergence of Populism

Van Prooijen, Jan-Willem (University of Amsterdam, Holland)
Overconfidence in Radical Politics